
Jesus : Myth or Reality


Jesus The Messiah ,According to modern Christians He is The Saviour of Humankind who came to this earth to offer salvation…..well we all know what Christians believe,That’s upto the believers who can believe anything from multiverse  to Ancient alien craps.

As Atheism is increasing rapidly in our society, Atheist equiped themselves with a new weapon which is so strong to uproot the faith of the believers.If a scholar argue with a theologian about impossibility of any miracle the theologian would simply gain upper hand by saying its on faith…there goes all no scientist can argue further  !

But, here is a new weapon which demolish the faith with one simple question . Was Jesus Real ?

Obviously, Theologian need to seek History’s Help and AID.


Many scholars and ”scholars” have in past  and present Argue that Jesus was not a historical figure,while they represent very less among total scholarly scale yet they draw lot of atheist moths and agnostic flies. i’m not going into the trouble of arguing was jesus real or myth.My point is Why this question is so important.


Over all everyone admit the historicity of jesus except notable people for example Richard Carrier,sure He made a good carrier out JESUS MYTH circle called Mysticist. He argue that jesus was a mythical figure whose birth and resurrection happened some where above our sky or its cosmological belief of early Christians taking quotes from Paul mostly.

Yes, Its is true that we have no 1st Century evidence for jesus (forget about New-testament  scholars show us that NT was probably written in later quarter of first century, but we don’t have any document nor Manuscript from 1st Century AD) no roman sources no jewish sources. Joesephus quotes in ‘jewsih Antiquities’ was a fabricated interpolation famously dubbed as The Testimonium Flavianum. Tacitus’s mention of Jesus comes from 2nd Century AD.so, Richard who himself a Proud atheist Declared Jesus was myth concocted by early Christians.

If by history, we can prove Jesus was myth would Ultimately boomout christianity and islam in one stone.this technique is know as Ibn Tayyimiyah technique, Ibn tayyimiyah argued if we destroy the root of any issue everything on which whole idea and belief stand upon will collapse automatically.(Good, isn’t it !)

Oh snap

this techique does workout well, Famous Anti-Theist Christopher Hitchen used it and died upon his adamant belief that Jesus was just a myth.by arguing about the historicity of Jesus Atheist win out theologians and common folks alike.Richard-Carrier(so Richard you have good business to come ;p)

but, Not all Atheist and agnostics are alike, Dr.Bart D.Ehrman, Scholar on Newtestament and Early christian has been playing very prominent role against Mythicist like Carrier .He himself a self-Proclaimed AGNOSTIC,wrote many books on Jesus and early Christianity (WIKIPEDIA IT) Have even wrote book titled ”Did Jesus Exist ?” where he lays out Evidence upon evidence to prove the Historicity if Jesus.

ehrman_bart_12_020[1]The Argument for and against Jesus’s Historicity is old and debate have been held for centuries and will continue for coming centuries…

This new weapon of Atheist and Agnostics seems getting stronger as junky internet websites make it sensational…..

one thing is sure,whether jesus was real or myth people like Richard carrier will have good business out of it…(check his website, He ask for money literally ”slopy historian”)


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